Jan 23, 2007 | Adventure, Life
My ‘relationship’ with Tassie started in the early ’80’s, a good friend of mine had spent a lot of time on the East Coast and around Maria Island, each time he returned he told me stories about how beautiful the place was. He was also...
Oct 22, 1969 | Adventure, Life
As our departure to a strange new country drew closer I started to find out a little more about what I could expect to see in Australia, as a curious five year old I had little to go on but I do remember images of beaches, living in the West Midlands I don’t...
Jul 2, 1964 | 1964, Adventure, Life
It was most likely a warm day on the day I was born, well it was summer in the northern hemisphere and I would like to believe the weather was nice… But who am I kidding I really don’t remember much of my early childhood years, I do remember playing in the...